导师介绍 | ||
导师姓名 | 张晶 | |
导师性别 | 女 | |
职务职称 | 副教授 | |
所在院系 | 生态技术与工程新浪体育 | |
一级学科 | 生态学 | |
二级学科 | 生态学 | |
研究方向 | 生态毒理学 | |
联系电话 | 13817374704 | |
电子邮箱 | ||
个人简介 | ||
人类社会的可持续发展极大地依赖于生态系统结构的完整与功能的互补。人类生产生活排放的污染物能够对生态系统产生积重难返的毒性效应。研究污染物的生态毒性,能够向化学品的生产、排放与管理提供关键的反馈信息,对保障生态系统与人类的可持续发展至关重要。 | ||
学习与工作经历 | ||
2017年-今,上海应用技术大学,生态技术与工程新浪体育,副教授 2013-2017年,嘉兴新浪体育,化学与生物工程新浪体育,讲师、副教授 2010-2013年,同济大学,环境科学,博士学位 | ||
科研工作与成果 | ||
本人发表SCI论文30余篇,编译书“生态风险评价”一本,参加国内外学术会议20余次。 1. Yang Shi, Xiangzhou Meng, Jing Zhang(*),Multi- and trans-generational effects of N-butylpyridium chloride on reproduction, lifespan, and pro/antioxidant status in Caenorhabditis elegans, Accept 2. Jing Zhang, Zhenyang Yu*, Jiaying Shen, Laura N. Vandenberg, Daqiang Yin, Influences of sex, rhythm and generation on the obesogenic potential of erythromycin to Drosophila melanogaster, Science of The Total Environment 771( 2021) 145315 3. Hong Liu, Lingyun Mo, Meifang Hou, Jing Zhang (*),Life stage-dependent toxicities of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide on Caenorhabditis elegans,Environmental Pollution 265 (2020) 114848 4. Wanyan Yue, Lingyun Mo, Jing Zhang( ?),Reproductive toxicities of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide on Caenorhabditis elegans with oscillation between inhibition and stimulation over generations,Science of the Total Environment 765 (2021) 144334 5. Jing Zhang, ZhenYang Yu(*),Transgenerational effects of different sequential exposure to 2,2’,4,4’?tetra?brominated diphenyl ether (BDE47) and lead (Pb) on Caenorhabditis elegans, Environmental Sciences Europe 32 (2020) 44 6. Chaonan Liu, Gaotian Li, Lingyun Mo, Meifang Hou, Jing Zhang(*), Alteration in concentration-response curves of four N-alkylpyridinium chloride by exposure concentration, time and in their mixtures by uniform design, Science of the Total Environment 712 (2020) 136493 7. Ning Sui, Zhiguo Zhang, Jing Zhang(*), Alteration between inhibition and stimulation in individual and mixture effects of [amim]Br and [apyr]Br on Aliivibrio fischeri: Time and side-chain dependence, Chemosphere 233 (2019) 292-299 8. Zhenyang Yu, Daqiang Yin, Meifang Hou, Jing Zhang(*), Effects of food availability on the trade-off between growth and antioxidant responses in Caenorhabditis elegans exposed to sulfonamide antibiotics, Chemosphere 211 (2018) 278-285 9. Yu Zhenyang, Zhang Jing(*), Hou Meifang, Time-dependent disturbances of chloride salts on overall redox reaction and luminescence in Vibrio fischeri, Chemosphere 199 (2018) 122-129 10. Yu Zhenyang, Zhang Jing(*), Hou Meifang(*), The time-dependent stimulation of sodium halide salts on redox reactants, energy supply and luminescence in Vibrio fischeri, Journal of Hazardous Materials 342 (2017) 429-435 11. Jing Zhang(*), Rui Chen, Zhenyang Yu, Lili Xue, Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) and Catalase (CAT) Activity Assay Protocols for Caenorhabditis elegans, Bio-protocol 7 (2017) 2505 12. ZhenYang Yu, LingYun Mo, Jing Zhang(*), ShuShen Liu, Time- and anion-dependent stimulation on triphosphopyridine nucleotide followed by antioxidant responses in Vibrio fischeri after exposure to 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium salts, Chemosphere 163 (2016) 452-460 13. Yu Zhenyang, Sun Guohua, Liu Yanjun, Yin Daqiang, Zhang Jing(*), Trans-generational influences of sulfamethoxazole on lifespan, reproduction and population growth of Caenorhabditis elegans, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 135 (2016) 312-318 14. Yu Zhenyang, Zhang Jing(*), Time-dependent effects of [apyr]BF4 and key contributors to their mixture stimulation on Vibrio qinghaiensis sp.-Q67 at apical and and biochemical levels, Journal of Hazardous Materials 312 (2016) 114-122 15. Yu Zhenyang, Mo Lingyun, Liu Shushen, Zhang Jing(*), Time- and anion-dependent stimulation on triphosphopyridine nucleotide followed by antioxidant responses in Vibrio fischeri after exposure to 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium salts, Chemosphere 163 (2016) 452-460 16. ZhenYang Yu, Jing Zhang(*), DaQiang Yin, Multigenerational effects of heavy metals on feeding, growth, initial reproduction and antioxidants in Caenorhabditis elegans. PLoS ONE (2016) e0154529. 17. Jing Zhang, Shushen Liu, Time-dependent stimulations of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazoliumchloride on redox reactants and antioxidases in Vibrio qinghaiensis sp.-Q67, Journal of Hazardous Materials 283 (2015) 568-573 18. Jing Zhang, ShuShen Liu(*), XiangWei Zhu, Benefits from hazards: Mixture hormesis induced by [emim]Cl despite its individual inhibitions. Chemosphere 112 (2014) 420-426. 19. Jing Zhang, ShuShen Liu(*), ZhenYang Yu, Hai-Ling Liu, Jin Zhang, The time-dependent hormetic effects of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazoliumchloride and their mixtures on Vibrio qinghaiensis sp. -Q67. Journal of Hazardous Materials 258-259 (2013) 70-76. 20. Jing Zhang, ShuShen Liu(*), ZhenYang Yu, Jin Zhang, Time-dependent hormetic effects of 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide on Vibrio qinghaiensis sp.-Q67: luminescence, redox reactants and antioxidases. Chemosphere 91 (2013) 462-467. 21. Jing Zhang, ShuShen Liu(*), ZhenYang Yu, HaiLing Liu. Significant contributions of ionic liquids containing tetrafluoroborate and trifluoromethanesulfonate to antagonisms and synergisms in multi-component mixtures. Journal of Hazardous Materials 209-210 (2012) 158-163. 22. Jing Zhang, ShuShen Liu(*), HaiLing Liu. Effect of ionic liquids on the toxicity of pesticide to Vibrio qinghaiensis sp.-Q67. Journal of Hazardous Materials 170 (2009) 920-927. 23. Zhenyang Yu(*), Daqiang Yin, Jing Zhang, Sex-dependent effects of sulfamethoxazole exposure on pro-/antioxidant status with stimulation on growth, behavior and reproduction in the amphipod Hyalella Azteca, Environmental Pollution 244 (2019) 398-404 24. Zhuo Li, Fangting Ai, Jing Zhang, Zhenyang Yu(*), Daqiang Yin, Using Caenorhabditis elegans for Studying Trans- and Multi-Generational Effects of Toxicants, Journal of Visualized Experiments 149 (2019) e59367. 25. ZhenYang Yu, Jing Zhang, ShuShen Liu(*), Biochemical and gene expression effects of1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate on Vibrio qinghaiensis sp.-Q67. Journal of Hazardous Materials 300 (2015) 483-492. 26. ZhenYang Yu, Jing Zhang, XiaoXue Chen, DaQiang Yin?, HuiPing Deng. Inhibitions on the behavior and growth of the nematode progeny after prenatal exposure to sulfonamides at micromolar concentrations. Journal of Hazardous Materials 250-251 (2013) 198-203. 27. ZhenYang Yu, Jing Zhang, Da-Qiang Yin*. Toxic and recovery effects of copper on Caenorhabditis elegans by various food-borne pathways. Chemosphere 87 (2012) 1361-1367. 28. ZhenYang Yu, XiaoXue Chen, Jing Zhang, Rui Wang, DaQiang Yin*, Transgenerational effects of heavy metals on L3 larva of Caenorhabditis elegans with greater behavior and growth inhibitions in the progeny. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 88 (2013) 178-184. 29. LiJuan Wang, ShuShen Liu*, Jing Zhang, HaiLing Liu. Remarkable hormesis induced by 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate on Vibrio qinghaiensis sp.-Q67. Chemosphere 84 (2011) 1440-1445. 30. (19)LiJuan Wang, ShuShen Liu*, Jing Zhang, WeiYing Li. A new effect residual ratio method for the validation of the concentration addition and independent action models Environmental Science and Pollution Research 17 (2010) 1080-1089. 31. ShuShen Liu*, XiaoQing Song, HaiLing Liu, YaHui Zhang, Jing Zhang. Combined photobacterium toxicity of herbicide mixtures containing one insecticide. Chemosphere 75 (2009) 381-388. 32. Jin Zhang, ShuShen Liu*, RongNi Dou, HaiLing Liu, Jing Zhang. Evaluation on the toxicity of ionic liquids mixture with antagonism and synergism to Vibrio qinghaiensis sp-Q67. Chemosphere 82 (2011) 1024-1029. 33. 张晶, 王金承, 刘树深*, 葛会林, 刘海玲. 中心复合设计射线法考察离子液体C16H31ClN2与乐果的毒性相互作用. 生态毒理学报2009, 4:353-358. 34. 于振洋, 张晶, 张洪昌, 尹大强*. 盐酸四环素对秀丽线虫的急性与多代毒性研究 生态毒理学报 5 (2010) 320-326.
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社会学术团体兼职 | ||
秀丽线虫毒理病理药理学会成员 | ||
主要研究方向 | ||
生态/环境健康与毒理; 主持或参加科研项目(课题)情况: 1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,21407061,luxI、luxR双基因调控下的离子液体对费氏弧菌hormesis效应机理研究,2014/01-2017/12,23万元,已结题,主持。 2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,21177097,非等效应非单调浓度-响应关系混合物通用浓度加和模型,2012/01-2015/12,60万元,已结题,参与。 3. 关键组分引导与氧化还原系统调控下的混合物时间依赖毒物兴奋效应机理研究, 广西电磁化学功能物质重点实验室开放基金, 2018年1月-2019年12月, 4.0万元,在研,主持。 4. Nrf2/ARE信号通路介导的离子液体对秀丽线虫毒物兴奋效应与机理, 广西环境污染控制理论与技术重点实验室开放基金, 2019年8月-2021年12月,5.0万元,在研,主持。 5.脂代谢关键酶活性测定, 上海忘虞生物科技有限公司测试费用,2021年1-12月,1.94万元,在研,主持。 | ||
近3年指导研究生的就业情况 | ||
2019年硕士毕业生隋宁,准备攻读北京林业大学博士学位。 2020年硕士毕业生李高天,生物测试公司工作。 |